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Apmeklētāji bibliotēkā pie datora
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As a partner from May 2024 to May 2026, the Centre shall implement co-operation in the project supported by the European Union “Library bridges: promoting the integration and inclusion of third-country nationals in Europe through libraries and local partnerships" (LIBRI AMIF-2023-TF2-Aga-CALL-AMIF) administered by non-governmental organization Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (France) in collaboration with National Association of cities and territories of hospitality (Association Nationale des Villes et Territoires Accueilants, France)  and in partnership with partners - Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (Italy), Culture Information Systems Centre, Foundation for the Development of the information society (Fundacja Rozwoju Spoleczenstwa Informacyjnego, Poland), Association of future Communities (Asociata Comunitatile Viitorului, Romania) and the Office of European libraries, information and documentation associations (European Bureau of Library, information and documentation associations, Netherlands).

Objective of the project: develop and implement an integration strategy and plan for the successful integration of third-country nationals into society at regional level and in the local Community through library services:

  • provide third-country nationals with access to customised library resources and services that support their integration into local communities;
  • promote the development of local strategies and partnerships that support integration and the inclusion of third-country nationals.

Expected results:

  • mapping support activities for initiatives in libraries/other local institutions (website creation);
  • creation of content – guides, online tools – for librarians to assist in the implementation of intercultural communication;
  • collection and dissemination of best practices on the integration of third-country nationals;
  • Deployment of methodology and strategy and dissemination of content on a dedicated platform (E-PANEMA).

Agrita Sagalajeva

Project Coordinator
agrita.sagalajeva [at]