Published: 19.02.2025.
Execution deadline in working days
Public law legal person
Receiving restrictions
Get a service
To receive the service, institutions must conclude electronic agreements in the VIRSIS system. The agreement must be concluded for all works included in the service together.
The service for the Ministry of Culture and its subordinate institutions includes:
(1) centralized management of Microsoft 365 software;
(2) centralized management of user accounts and e-mails in the Ministry of Culture domain;
(3) centralized synchronization of user account data between business support systems;
(3) operation and management of centralized resource management and accounting software (Horizon, HoP);
(4) operation and management of centralized document management software (Namejs, DocLogix).
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Service inquiries

Niks Beļakovs
Department Director
niks.belakovs [at]