Kultūras nozare
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Since the end of last year – 2023, the introduction of a common document management system of a departmental of the Ministry of Culture has been commenced, ensuring organisation of the circulation of electronic documents of record keeping in a common format in a departmental office of the Ministry of Culture (KM) and performing integration of the e-address into the institutions of subordination of the KM. This task will be carried out by the CFR subordination Authority Centre for Culture Information Systems Centre KISC) by the end of 2024, in partnership with the Investment of the European Union Recovery and resilience Facility Plan. Project “Single Communication Platform, Document Store and integration of Document Management Platform” of the “Central Administrative Platform and systems” implemented by the national Regional Development Agency.

Eiropas Savienības karogs ar skaitli 2027 un vārdi Nacionālais attīstības plāns

The objective of the “Single Communication Platform, Document Store and integration of Document Management platforms” project is to extend the use of the Single Communication Platform and e-address (whose core objective is to ensure secure and reliable communication between individuals and the State), which at the same time requires the provision of modern, adequate and uniform information management also among the national regulatory authorities themselves. Such a requirement includes the circulation of interinstitutional documents in a uniform format and the general use of e-address, as well as its development and modernisation to open technologies.

Given the size and diversity of the CFR institutions (museums, cultural education institutions, subordinate institutions in different sectors) and the wide range of needs in terms of both operational and specific requirements, it is essential to exchange information and documents as quickly and as easily as possible in the interests of both the departmental authorities themselves and the population, thereby facilitating more efficient communication and better execution of works. At the same time, by improving the communication of residents with State institutions, access to public information and electronic services is ensured, administrative burden for residents, entrepreneurs, as well as State and local government institutions is reduced, and opportunities for residents to participate in the work of the State administration and to participate in various processes of public life are increased.

In parallel with the establishment of a common organisation for the management of CFR documents, the project will, in general, modernise the e-address system by recycling or changing technologically obsolete solutions to more topical ones; also, expanding e-address communication between legal and natural persons and expanding the usability of e-address by improving the usability of the portal's Latvija.gov.lv e-address and improving it to meet users' needs, as well as improved e-address functionality and enhanced functionality, impacting the entire e-address system. The total budget of the project is EUR 5 396 160, of which EUR 1 000 000 is allocated for the establishment and implementation of a single centralised document management system in the departmental institutions of the Ministry of Culture. Cooperation partners in the project include the Ministry of environmental Protection and Regional Development, the Ventspils City Self-government “Ventspils Digital Centre”, the State joint stock company “Latvia State Radio and Television Centre” and the Culture Information Systems Centre.

Ilma Elsberga

Assistant Project Manager
ilma.elsberga [at] kisc.gov.lv